Saturday, 26 March 2011

Looking forward to tomorrow

Looking forward to Sewerby Hall Wedding Fayre tomorrow 11am - 3pm, please feel free to pop and see us if you can't make it pop down to the studio at 111 Promenade, Bridlington, YO15 2QJ during the week and on Saturdays. And also look out for our new Bridal Gallery stocking Award Winning Bridal Wear and Accessories. Visit for more information

Friday, 18 March 2011

Sorry for the Delay

Well we've been so busy over the last few months, and have neglected this little blog so what better way to get back on track with it by announcing a new expansion within Atken Photography Gallery Studio.

Both Myself and Shane will keep you updated today with some fantastic developments (no pun intended!)
and the excitement of what we can offer.

Keep checking back!...